Do you sometimes feel like you could use a little more courage in your life? Not everyone is born with an equal supply of courage, but that doesn't mean that you can't find ways to build up your own inner strength.

If you haven't, you might want to consider using crystals to help boost your courage. Crystal has been known for centuries to have metaphysical properties that can help with everything from attracting love to improving mental clarity.

There are many different crystals that can be used to build courage, but some of the most popular include amethyst, carnelian, and citrine. In this post, we'll take a look at how each of these crystals can help to build courage.


Amethyst is known as the "courage stone" and can be helpful in overcoming fear and anxiety. This purple crystal is said to have a calming effect on the mind and emotions, helping to ease stress and promote feelings of inner peace. With amethyst, you can begin to let go of the things that are holding you back and start living with more courage.


Carnelian is a bright orange crystal that is associated with the root chakra and is said to be helpful in boosting confidence and self-esteem. Carnelian is also known for its ability to increase motivation and drive. If you're looking to take your life in a new direction, carnelian can give you the courage and strength you need to make it happen.


Citrine is a yellow crystal that is associated with the solar plexus chakra. This crystal is said to be helpful in increasing self-confidence and self-esteem. Citrine is also known for its ability to increase motivation and drive. By charging Citrine's energy centre, you can help increase your own courage and strength.

Tiger Eye

Tiger Eye is a brown crystal with golden stripes that is said to be helpful in increasing courage and confidence. This crystal is also known for its ability to increase mental clarity and focus. Tiger Eye can help you to see things more clearly and make decisions with confidence. Just like its name, Tiger Eye can help you to feel brave and strong like a tiger.


Amazonite is a blue-green crystal that is said to be helpful in easing anxiety and stress. This crystal is also known for its ability to promote feelings of inner peace and calm. Amazonite can help you to let go of the things that are holding you back and start living with more courage. If you're looking to build up your courage, Amazonite is a great crystal to start with.

Tips for Using Crystals for Self-Courage

Now that you know a little bit more about how crystals can help to build courage, here are a few tips on how to get started using them:

  • Start by holding the crystal in your hand and visualizing it infusing you with courage.
  • Place the crystal on your desk or in your workspace to help you stay focused and motivated.
  • Carry the crystal with you in your pocket or purse to keep its energy close by.
  • Make a grid with courage-boosting crystals to help increase the flow of courage-enhancing energy.
  • Wear courage-boosting crystals as jewellery or keep them in your bra (for women) to keep their energy close to your heart.
No matter what your personal situation is, there's a crystal out there that can help you build courage. If you're looking for a little extra strength, consider using one of these powerful crystals.

With a little bit of effort and some help from the universe, you can start living a life with more courage. All it takes is some exploration, an open mind, and a willingness to try something new. So go out there and find the crystals that speak to you. And never forget, you are always stronger than you think. If you are looking for the right crystal to help build courage, visit our shop for a variety of crystals. We will help you find the right crystals for your needs. Visit us today!
Posted by RARA


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