Do you have a child who is experiencing emotional challenges, or perhaps their mental health isn't what it should be? Are they struggling with addiction, or are they dealing with an illness that has them feeling overwhelmed? If this sounds like your child, then you might want to consider using healing crystals.

Healing crystals are believed to help improve energy flow in the body and can create a sense of peace for those who use them. This article will take you through the best healing crystals that could benefit your children, and how to use them to help them get through their struggles.

Rose Quartz

The first type of crystal that you should consider is Rose Quartz. This beautiful pink quartz can be used by all genders and ages, but it works especially well for children who are experiencing depression or anxiety and provide comfort. It's also known to help strengthen your child's connection with their body, which is important in helping them overcome physical and mental challenges.

How to use: If your child feels anxious during the day, then place a piece of rose quartz under their pillow at night to help them find comfort and rest. For daily use, you can place a piece of rose quartz in your child's room to create an aura of calm.


Amethyst has been used by many cultures throughout history so you know that its power comes from a place of pure history and love. Amethyst can reduce anxiety and promote a sense of calmness. It can also be used to help children process stress and emotions, which makes it a great tool for both mental health challenges as well as physical ones.

How to use: if your child is dealing with addiction or illness that causes them pain, then placing amethyst near their body while they are sleeping will provide them comfort during the night, or they can hold it during the day to help them feel peaceful.

Clear Quartz

If you're looking for healing crystals that can help your children with their mental health, then clear quartz is a perfect choice! This type of crystal has been used to enhance spiritual growth and promote strength in those who use it regularly. It's also great at helping cultivate emotional balance which makes it a great choice for children who are struggling with depression, anxiety, or even addiction.

How to use: place clear quartz near your child's body while they sleep so that it can work on their energy overnight, or you could hold the stone during the day if its emotional balancing effects help them throughout their daily life.


Moonstone is a great stone to use with children who are dealing with emotional issues or are hyperactive. This type of crystal works by helping your child feel more secure and safe, which can be extremely important when they're struggling both physically and mentally.

How to use: if your child experiences panic attacks during the night, then placing moonstone under their pillow or even in their pocket can help calm and relax them. If they're struggling with hyperactivity, then placing a moonstone on their body during the day will allow it to work its calming effects throughout the day.

Tiger’s Eye

Tiger's Eye is a great stone to use for children who are dealing with mental health challenges, but it's also a great choice for parents who want to empower their children. Tiger's eye can be used by anyone of any age and is known to help build self-esteem in those who use it regularly. It can boost your child’s motivation so that they have the strength needed during physical or mental challenges.

How to use: if your child is struggling with low self-esteem or anxiety, then placing a tiger's eye on their body while they sleep will allow it to work its magic overnight. You can also hold the stone during the day if you want them to feel more confident in that moment.

Green Aventurine

Green Aventurine or also known as the "Stone of Opportunity" is a great stone to help empower your child, but it's also known for its ability to increase emotional balance. This crystal is a great choice for children who are dealing with depression or intellectual challenges. This type of crystal can boost your child's energy and allow them to feel more energized, which will help them during any mental challenge they may be facing.

How to use: if your child is struggling with energy levels, then placing green aventurine on their body during the day will give them an extra boost. If they're dealing with depression or intellectual challenges, you can place green aventurine under their pillow while they sleep to work its magic overnight.


Sodalite is another great choice for children who are struggling with learning disabilities, but it's also great for children who are dealing with anxiety or hyperactivity. This type of crystal works by helping your child feel more grounded and safe in the world around them so that they can be better equipped to handle mental health challenges without feeling overwhelmed.

How to use: if your child is struggling with learning disabilities, then placing sodalite under their pillow during sleep will help them to remember lessons easier. If they're dealing with anxiety or hyperactivity, then placing sodalite on their body while they sleep can work its magic overnight so that it's calm and collected the next day.

Hopefully, this article has given you some great insight into the best healing crystals for your children! Visit our shop to find some gems that can help your child on their journey to emotional, mental and physical wellness.

Posted by RARA


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